Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tentative Schedule

Hi guys,
the tentative schedule ahead has been drafted out. But due to some minor disruptions like IFG and IHG, it may change. Will update this post as soon as i have news.

Also, we are going to carry on with the preparations for the 2D1N JB trip on 23rd Feb. The plan is as follows
  • Training on morning of 23rd Feb Saturday in NUS
  • Drive up/Take a coach up to JB straight after
  • Play a evening game
  • Match on the 24th morning/afternoon
  • have a team dinner at a seafood restaurant
  • travel back to Singapore
I'm currently liaising with SRC for subsidies and working with coach to bring the costs down to a minimum. Please do inform me again if you cannot make it for this trip.

Lastly, the training schedule ahead... ...

12th Feb Tuesday - Training @ 7pm. Wear WHITE Uhlsports.

14th Feb Thursday - Training @7pm. Wear BLUE Uhlsports.

16th Feb Saturday - Training @ 9am. Wear WHITE Uhlsports.

19th Feb Tues - Training 7pm
21st Feb Thurs - Friendly vs Combined Uni 7pm
23rd-24th Feb Sat - JB Bonding Trip
26th Feb Tues - Training 7pm
28th Feb Thurs - Friendly vs Redhill Rangers
1st Mar Sat - Training 9am
4th Mar Tues - Friendly 7pm
6th Mar Thurs - Training 7pm
8th Mar Sat - Training 8am
10th Mar Mon - Match vs NYP
14th Mar Wed - Finals/3rd placing game


  1. Anonymous2/10/2008

    i cant train on tues - I have tuition.
    yupz, sat have IFG.. wait till something works out ba..


  2. Anonymous2/10/2008

    Nicholas Lim:I am considered out for the whole week. Still sick from tonsillities. ihg and ifg all gone case -.-"

  3. Anonymous2/10/2008

    Hi guys, i cant train on tues and thurs evenings. I have lessons from 6-8pm on both days. Attendance and class participation make up part of the grades. I'm sorry.

    Kai Siang

  4. Anonymous2/11/2008

    out for geylang trg to attend.

  5. Anonymous2/11/2008

    pls excuse those involve in IFG on sat as they attempt to bring glory to their respective faculties. thanks.

  6. Anonymous10/28/2010

    Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
