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Thursday, March 27, 2008

China Trip 27 May to 4 June

Hi Guys,

The trip to Shenyang, China will probably fall on the 27th May to 4th June.

At present the trip is open to those who were officially involved in the Nathan Cup i.e. the 22 registered players.

I will fill you all in on the details i.e. price, itinerary etc once I get them. However in the meanwhile I need to give a rough estimate of who can make it.

Can I please have a response whether you guys will be able to make it?

Do cooperate by giving an answer, be it positive or negative. It is very difficult to tally responses when only 5 or 6 people put up comments. If you are unsure do also state pending reasons etc; ambiguous responses are better than no responses.




Chris said...

Due to internship and reservist commitments, I will regretfully be unable to attend.

Do stop chengwei from scaring the China girls away on my behalf.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry i cant go i'll most prob be overseas =)

Anonymous said...

I can make it.


Anonymous said...

Sorry ignore above comment. I think I would still have one more day of ops manning. Would have to check 1st.


Anonymous said...

fxk: Ya can make it. and yujun, if you have ops manning, you just need to get approval from your CO.

Anonymous said...

Chengwei can la . - CW

Anonymous said...

i can go and i volunteer to do the rooms allocation this time plzzzzz.........and i promise i wont forget to bring jerseys anymore...ramu

Anonymous said...

I can't amke it


Anonymous said...

i would love to make it, but subjected to approval from club.


astroshev said...

most prob can

Anonymous said...

i can make it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

not sure yet


Anonymous said...

niclim: tentative still... not sure my dates for work and cost is a big issue... budget is very low is the holidays... so cost will play a huge factor. but interested to go nevertheless

Anonymous said...

I think i can go...


andy ng said...

Andy. put me in. but my YEP ends on 27th may.

Anonymous said...

include me please

Anonymous said...

should be ok

Anonymous said...

cb no hao no chris who leading . Don't tell me fong then i pull out liao lol

Anonymous said...

ar i okay.for now.

Anonymous said...

I applied and am planning to do an internship, so don't think I'll be going