Monday, March 24, 2008

Friendly with UKM on SUNDAY 30 March

Hi Guys,

I understand that weekends are precious to you, and many of you have various commitments. However I do hope that you can all put time aside just this sunday morning for a good game of football against a very decent university team.

Like what Junhao said, its also a way we can demonstrate to SRC our level of commitment. Additionally its only courtesy that we host other teams when they come over, so they will reciprocate in future.

Details are as follows:

Match on SUNDAY
Warm up at 815am
Match starts at 9am
Lunch provided at 12 followed by phototaking and exchange of gifts.
Subsequently, we will probably be involved in a campus tour where we are expected to show them around, but I don't believe this will last very long.

Please respond IMMEDIATELY with your attendance, thanks!



  1. sorry chris...i got a prime league game in the evening..cant play in e match.

  2. Anonymous3/25/2008

    will be there

  3. Anonymous3/25/2008

    can't make it paiseh

  4. Anonymous3/26/2008

    play lor - Chengwei

  5. Anonymous3/26/2008

    hey, the game on sunday, me sudi and fong can play but we got tournament to rush to after that..

  6. Anonymous3/26/2008

    k i play..ramu

  7. Anonymous3/27/2008

    power la
