Monday, March 10, 2008

From Uncle Sam Part 2

Hi Guys,

Well, yesterday was not your day and the day definitely belongs to NYPoly.
Some days you win, and some days you don't. There is nothing to be sad or angry about or blaming oneself. Believe me, each and everyone contributed heavily and played a good part.
Life has been all along a learning process. You learn and gain from your experiences. The fall (the lost) makes you a stronger person in life for it helps you learn to accept things not in your favour.

No matter what, you (each and everyone of you),guys did a fantastic jobs of holding NYPoly to a draw. Good job of maintaining your dignity and for the team too.

Guys, let leave the NYPoly and NUS match aside now, let us focus on our final game to close the season. This time round, let make it in our favour. Cheerio.

Uncle Sam

P/S .. Nicholas (Goalkeeper) - many thanks for the NUS track suit. It keeps me warm and dry.
Regreted that I passed it back to you. I should have brought it
back home to wash. My apologies.

ZiYan - hope you are ok.

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