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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

China Trip Postponed!

Hi guys,

This might be good news for some and not so good news for others. The trip to china has been postponed to October. This might preclude the involvement of graduating students like Umar and Junhao (very sorry guys), but those with reservist/ holiday/ internship commitments might be able to attend instead.

If you intend to make the trip, do work hard this summer break to save some cash. If money isn't a problem, then keep fit so you don't get your place in the team pipped by some freshie. Either ways, I look forward to a more enthusiastic response when team selection comes :)




Anonymous said...

wah commitment to the team NUS ends here then..its been great playing with all of u guys..all of u taught me something in one way or another and the experiences/lessons shall always be cherished...I will miss each and everyone of u plus the moments we shared bth on and off the field....i hope i have made a strong lasting impression 4 u to miss me just as much :).......

your stereotyped mat,

p.s. below is my all time favourite quote from fong's blog

don't know which country your ancestors from."
- coach "angry face" ara, to cheng "ah beng" wei.

- cheng "ah beng" wei, in response.

"i said which country, you say hokkien."
- coach ara, in response again.

"kenyan mah."
- yu "ninja" da, eavesdropping.

astroshev said...

when exactly in october and will the cost be e same?

Anonymous said...

Oh man Umar. I'll really miss your frienship, and presence in the team. Man... tell me that 3 years just went by like this... WQ

Anonymous said...

An Ode to Umar, Singapore's Next Top Geographer..

First time I played with Umar (his year 1 trials), I knew this guy could play. Second time I played against him, and he chipped me from outside the box (taiko to the max). Over the years, I think you have matured on and off the pitch Umar, and I dono wat you did in the last year, but you really were a revelation this IVP. Hats off to you bro!

Umar is always one of those guys that will have a ready smile for you, despite all the taunts and jokes. I think the team will miss you man, so come down and kick around with us once in a while whenever you can. I will never forget the inspirational games against SP and NYP this year, but at the same time I will always remember the other games like UWC where you played like your pet parrot flew away. It's these things that make him Umaromareh!=)

Take care Bro. All the best with everything you do. It was great having you as a teammate and friend.

Sorry about Arsenal, You'll Never Walk Alone..

HarpeetIn Goal

Anonymous said...

Oh man Umar... what a shame.

It was really great playing alongside you in the middle of the park. I know you'll be there to cover for me and vice versa.

Knowing that someone will be there for you when you screw up or miss a bouncing header is the most important thing to me when i step into the field.

I guess the highlight of our season would be the NYP game where we came off the field hugging e/o and telling ourselves that we've done a gd job containing a better team.

Looking fwd to a chance to play with you again...



Chris said...

not sure whether october will be same cost but there's no reason why it won't be, logically speaking

not sure the dates either, i will keep you guys informed of the details as quickly as i receive them, just as i did for today's news


and on a separate note,

to umar: sorry lah bro, it was beyond all our control for the tournament to be pushed away.

my favourite arasu quotes w.r.t. umar:
"umar, you slept in the refrigerator last night ah?"

and to junhao, you've been a great captain man. i've witnessed your off the field contributions more than anyone else in the squad, and owing to that i can confidently say we owe a great deal of our success this season to your commitment and vision

this blog alone is testament to the fact that we're a much different bunch than we were last year. it was your brainchild and i feel its gotten us talking more, communicating better, and also getting closer.

all the best to the graduating seniors :)