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Monday, April 14, 2008

China Trip Update

Hi Guys,

I've compiled a full list of your availability for the China trip. Pls revert any changes asap if not i'll be submitting this up to SRC and Coach.




Those who can make it:

1 Fong Xiongkun
2 Russell
3 Yuda
4 Yujun
5 Umar
6 Zeyan
7 Chengwei
8 Sudhi

Those who cannot make it:

1 Mark (internship)
2 Junhao (will be overseas)
3 Chris (internship and reservist)
4 Andy
5 Nicholas Yip
6 Vincent
7 Kaisiang (internship and reservist)
8 David (will be overseas)
9 Cheng Kang (internship)
10 Gerald (away on exchange)

Those still pending:

1 Raihan (pending internship applications)
2 Harpreet (pending reservist deferment)
3 Fabian (subject to club approval)
4 Nicholas Lim

Those who didn’t make the Nathan Cup squad but expressed interest:

1 Abang
2 Evan
3 Wayne
4 Weiquan


Anonymous said...

hey I'm on Pending Internship Application too. not confirmed

Anonymous said...

Pending Internship App - Cheng Kang

Chris said...

you never early early say lor.. you sms me say "count me out" mah

Anonymous said...

Aiya how I know the internships so hard to get one... =( - cheng kang