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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

China Trip

Hi Guys

As promised, more details about the trip. Each player will probably be expected to pay $500.

Although in absolute terms this may seem no small number, I guarantee you this is a nominal sum compared to what you would pay if you were going on your own expense. Do consider the intangible benefits of playing football in an international tournament in an uncommon land; it will be quite an experience.

Do reply to confirm your interest so I can firm up the numbers for Sean's perusal.

Thanks and do help me out here, I'm preparing for exams just as all you guys are.




Fong Xiongkun said...

fxk: My interest is confirmed.

Anonymous said...

No problem

Anonymous said...

nicholas:when is the lastest to cfm... i need to raise a budget...

Anonymous said...

confirm....unless chengwei gets a gf by then

Chris said...

hi nick

i cant say for sure when you need to confirm by. but lets give it max 1 to 2 weeks. im sure u can find out by then whether you can raise the money. but considering how much the sch is subsidising, it would be quite wasted if u cant go


Anonymous said...

Chris, can i go? i would love to go. if there's vacancies of course -ABG-

Anonymous said...



Chris said...

hi abang

i will definitely keep u informed if it opens up to the extended squad

but for now i need the tentative numbers from the nathan cup squad because SRC insists on priority given to those who played in the tournament, sorry

cheers and take care


harveymib1 said...

i shld be ok chris but once again depends on my reservist..


Anonymous said...

tok cock la harpreet wat reservist.....excuses only...used to be sister's wedding nw reservist...wth..chris i confirm..

yours truly

Anonymous said...

Hey chris,
i'd also like to go if there's space. keep me posted yeah.


Anonymous said...

chris i confirm not going. internship


Anonymous said...

hey chris, thanks for organising this. I'm out too. You guys have fun.


andy ng said...

i think i can't afford the $500.

Anonymous said...

i cant afford $500 either..


astroshev said...

same as nic n andy

Anonymous said...

same as the 3 guys above.
-friendly zeyan

Anonymous said...

I dont want to go for reservist too u umar! But I should be good for the trip. Chris could you come up with a list of those who:

1. confirmed can
2. available but cost is a factor

I know most of us fall into category 2 but think about it people, fully paid airfare, good games on quality pitches, you will be getting a lot of new kit and stuff, R n R provided, meal allowance provided so free food, lodging provided, and it is a getaway after the exams.

If we don't go this time, I can tell you for a fact that NUS will not sponsor us to go anywhere in the future. We have to support this. So please do..

- Harpreet

Chris said...

so far it stands as:

5 confirmed
11 cannot make it
6 unconfirmed: (Harpreet, Panda, Sudhi, Fabian, Chengwei, Raihan)

2 outside nathan squad express interest

if anyone changes their mind or expresses late interest pls do so asap

Anonymous said...

wayne also interested if either harpreet or panda cant make it... dun wanna go there be waterboy or warm bench. 500bucks quite ex la, but for the experience, its worth it.

Anonymous said...

Cant make it due to summer internship, reservist and FYP commitments. I guess my ivp commitments end here. Nice knowing all of you guys. Each and everyone of you.

Kai Siang

Anonymous said...

Ah thiong!!!!! i miss buddy.....
frm ur beloved roommate

Anonymous said...

chengwei ok with everything ,anything la . Anyways plz to try have the sufficent numbers to go china la . Dun abolish hor . afk readings

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the late reply but i can make it for the china trip...


Fong Xiongkun said...

weiquan is also interested. so that's 3 outside nathan cup squad. chris, if you really need the no.s, email the outside nathan people... i think mus, luke all might be interested...

Anonymous said...

mus is out for internship...luke might be available...hw abt joe and roy?

yours truly ramu

Anonymous said...

I have informed coach about my interest. But whether I'll be chosen for the squad is another thing altogether. WQ