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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Hi fellas,

It's time to wipe the dust off your boots.

(1) Training will commence for only ONCE A WEEK starting Wed 16 July at 7pm NUS SRC (and every Wed evening thereafter). Expect the frequency to go up in due course, but for now it's just about enough for those with busy schedules.

(2) PLEASE COME DOWN FOR TRAININGS. As you all know, once a week is asking very little of you. Please put this ahead of other committments in the meanwhile.

(3) Sunig is likely to be in September. IVP may be pulled forward to October in lieu of the Asean Uni Games in Dec. All this means we have little time to train up, get selected and give a good showing.

(4) If you have friends who are (a) existing NUS students; or (b) who are matriculating later this year; and wish to try out, let me know. We can arrange for them to join us and let coach assess their suitability.

(5) Pls spread the word to all players that training will commence.

Thanks and see you all next Wed.



Anonymous said...

am on reservist next wk so wouldnt be around - nicyip

astroshev said...

i am injured...will be back once i recover

Anonymous said...

fxk: can't make it, got camp...

Anonymous said...

hi chris im interested to try out as a goalie. matriculating this yr. have sent an email to u already. thanks