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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Match on Thurs Sept 4

Opponents: National U17
Time: Kick off 730pm, be ready for warm up by 645pm
Venue: NUS SRC
Attire: White
*ALL to attend the match, no teamlist

I find it a hassle to type this all the time so this is the last time i am typing this.

For ALL trainings, apart from the necessary stuff you yourself need, shinguards and shoes is a MUST. We never know when it will rain and if we have to do indoor training, so please bring them, or leave them with friends in hall or leave them in the store (though whether it is safe, i cant guarantee). There at lockers at the MPSH there but i think have to apply for it to utilise them. If anyone is interested, i can enquire on behalf.

Since i am on this topic, please let it be known that if it rains, and there is no update from us, trainings will usually be at MPSH. Of course this doesn't mean that we won't try to contact you, but sometimes it is difficult to inform so many people at such a short notice. I am working on a solution with Chris regarding this, so for the meantime, just check out the MPSH if you do not see us at the field when it rains.

On a more serious note, training attendance have been rather poor lately. I understand everyone has their own commitments, whether it is lectures/tutorials/hall, schoolwork, family, religion or even girlfriends, social gatherings or anything else i missed out. And of course, i know training 4times per week is not what many of you thought you have signed up for. Missing training is common. But my main concern is that the number of people who are expected to turn up for trainings and the number of people who actually turns up does not tally. I think with this blog, it is so easy to just key in a comment and inform us that you cant come and your reason. I hope everyone can try to contribute abit, it would make our lives so much simpler.

I know some of you always cant come on some days of the week and it maybe abit troublesome to type it in every week. I admit its my fault that i haven't been keeping track of this in the past, so please send me a mail so I can take note from now on.

I know i have gone on for awhile already, and this is getting really naggy, but b4 things get worst, i wish to address the problem of punctuality. Coach is quite particular regarding such issues, and he isn't really happy with this constant late-coming. Coach aside, i believe if we start on time, we end on time. Training time is already so late, if we end even later, it makes it inconvenient for those who live far away.

Of course, if you are late because of lectures/tutorials, or for any other valid reason, it is understandable, but please try to come on time. Maybe there is confusion about the timings, but from now on, whatever timings is up, it is the time we start training, and warm up should have already been done (for match days, the timings are usually timing to start warm-up). I don't want to dictate what time you reach because everybody needs different amount of time to get changed and warmed up. Some can reach, change into boots in 5secs and start, others like Yujun and Chengwei need to comb/gel hair then can. So, you know yourself and how much time you need, so just come at a time you think is sufficient to get ready, we should usually start warm ups 10mins b4 training starts.

Yupz, that's it. Welcome any comments/opinions/solutions.
See you guys on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Due to some lack of time I think I will have to drop out of the team, Im afraid. Thanks for these weeks and good luck in the future!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have some prior commitments from 830pm onwards. So i may have to leave early.


Anonymous said...

Hi!can i still join the team in coming semester?becoz all the training clash with my lesson in this semester..realy disappointed.