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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monday Sept 29 Training / Match vs SMU

Venue: NUS SRC
Kick-off: 7pm (be there by 630pm for warm ups)
Attire: Dark Blue SUNIG jersey
(those who doesn't have just bring any dark blue jersey)

Just so that everyone is clear, from now on, all trainings and matches are to be attended by all players (regardless of whether you were included in SUNIG or not).

Any doubts and queries, you know who to look for. = )


Anonymous said...

damn! MA1505 paper from 8.30 - 9.30pm.

astroshev said...

wont be able to make tuition

Anonymous said...

songkiu: i think all Engin yr 1 cannot make it.. Haha.. Me yasin weisong out le... lol.
got exams!!! zzz tuesday also got paper. just in case tues also have training...
join u guys after the exams!

Anonymous said...

will join u guys aft d raya period.. sorry...

Anonymous said...

can't make it for training/match tmr.
got mid term on tues morning.

Daowei said...

got MA1505 paper. cant make it.