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Monday, September 8, 2008

TeamNUS Awards

The website below contains a link to the awardee list. Congratulations to all award recipients!

TeamNUS Sports Awards

On that note, here is a message from SRC:


It is time again to celebrate our achievements for the past year. We have witnessed many glorious moments when you or your team mates have brought much pride and honour to the University. In recognition of these achievements, we have awarded numerous outstanding athletes. Please refer to the following website for the list of these award recipients:

During teamNUS Nite, we hope to relive those moments and share them with the rest of the teamNUS members. As such, you are cordially invited to join in the celebrations which will be held at University Cultural Centre (UCC) Hall, on Saturday, 11 Oct 07. The Guest-of-Honor is the NUS President, Prof Shih Choon Fong.

Other details are as follows:

Time: 4.15pm sharp. Please highlight to your Sports Officer if you or your team mates require excuse letters to attend this ceremony.
Dress Code: Men - Shirt & Tie;
Ladies – Appropriate Equivalent

All are invited to a buffet dinner reception after the ceremony at the UCC Foyer.


Attendance for this event is highly encouraged. As a team, let's celebrate our team mates who will receive awards in recognition of their good sporting displays or their years of commitment to the squad. I will assume that everyone is attending, and will register the whole squad as such.

If you are unable to attend due to valid reasons, do post a comment here by 1159pm on Friday 12 September.



Anonymous said...

im a take home paper during that period..


Fong Xiongkun said...

i'm out too. -fxk

Anonymous said...

will not be able to make it.

astroshev said...

cant make it prime league game

Anonymous said...

will not be able to make it

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Will not be able to make it.



Anonymous said...

panda: CMI..

Johansen said...

cant make it prime league game