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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Training Sat Sept 13

Venue: Victoria School (2 Siglap Link (S) 448880)
Time: 830am
Attire: Blue

How to get to Victoria School:
1) From Bedok MRT, buses: 31, 196, 197
2) From elsewhere, buses 31, 135, 196, 197
3) Take a taxi (but sorry, no reimbursement)
4) For drivers: Click here for map!

Note: Coach has specially requested the field for us, so try not to miss this training. I want to stress again, if you are not coming or will be late, please leave a note. Even if its last minute, inform whoever if you do not have Chris or my number.


astroshev said...

cant make game

Anonymous said...

songkiu: hey sorry cannot go...
gave my word to fac/team capt for rugby that i will help them win the title!

Anonymous said...

Chengwei : Hey captaim and vice , rly sorry i cant attend becoz i have a field trip for GE2226 Southeast Asia field trip tml from 8am outram till 4pm ... I seek for ur understanding ya .. Cheers and peace out ...

Anonymous said...

can't make it due to field trip also.. the same as last week field trip, only diff location... sorry...

Anonymous said...

panda: term paper due next friday... rushing.. sorry

Anonymous said...

sean: sorry i have EG1109 quiz at 10am in school...

Anonymous said...

im still injured....sian....


Anonymous said...

Sorry, can't make it. EG1109 Quiz at 10am in school.

Anonymous said...

i have duties for the rugby team tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Going to Bintan...I feel rich (650 000 rupiah - I know it's nothing but don't spoil my fun please).C y'all for next practice...;