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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Training Thursday Sept 11

First and foremost, I would like to say, well done for last night’s match. As coach mentioned, I think we played well as individuals, and even as a team, taking into account we haven’t had much matches together in recent weeks. The condition of the pitch also made things difficult but I believe we gave a good account of ourselves last night, particularly in the second half when we stepped up a gear. No doubt 3-0 is a good result, but those who played or watched the match last night will know that we should have got more goals. Especially in the first half, I think we took some time to get going, controlling much of the play without really threatening. But it’s understandable since it’s only our first competitive match together. From now onwards, our performance level should increase with every game, even if it’s just a mere 5%.

That’s all I have to say for the game, so for now, just enjoy the win. =) In the next few days, the result we had against SMU must be forgotten and we must start to focus on the following match.

Although the next match is against seemingly much weaker SIM, I hope no one is taking this match for granted. I have no idea what happened in the NTU vs SIM game (it ended 0-0), but what we can do is make sure each and everyone of us are in the right frame of mind when the match comes, treating this match the same way we did as with the SMU match.

Training Thurs Sept 11
Venue: NUS SRC
Attire: Red
*swimming trunks/tights/clean pair of shorts
Time: 630pm

Just as a general note:
Every training from onwards is not only restricted to SUNIG players. As Chris has mentioned, certain players were excluded from the SUNIG to give year1s some competition experience, certain players are not ready to play at this level yet. The selection for the IVP team is still a long way to go, as the main tournament is only in January, so I urge all players who are not involved in SUNIG to continue to come for training, to fight for your place. It is not a given fact that those who are involved in SUNIG will definitely be involved in the IVP team.


Anonymous said...

im out for thurs training...knee injured


Anonymous said...

lesson on thursday. ya so cant come. full of deadlines till next friday also


Anonymous said...

can't make it for trainig on thurs due to test on fri morning...

Anonymous said...

Hi, cant make in on thurs as i have lessons on thurs and assignments due on friday.. sorry will be down for next session.


Anonymous said...

can't make it due to late lessons.


Anonymous said...

Wont be coming for training, have assignments due tmr...


Anonymous said...

Xiang fei here
Having late lesson today cant make it, sorry.

Chris said...

harpreet fong and myself have a FA cup game. will see u all next training

Anonymous said...

i have class. won't be there for water therapy. will be down for training.

Anonymous said...

Working on a group project. So cannot attend training tonight eventhough I could have used a swim


P.S: congrats for the win btw