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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Training Sat Sept 20

About the game, i think we did okay overall, controlling much of the play. We did had chances to score but they weren't clear cut enough to give us the goal we needed. When we did put shots on target, their goalkeeper was outstanding. With a slice of luck, we could have won the game but as usual in football, we were punished for it and it was unlucky the way the ball went in. The field conditions were bad as we couldn't get our passing game going but no excuses there because conditions apply to both teams, we just have to adapt better in future.

But heads up guys, i don't believe we did anything too wrong, they defended well tonight and it's not going to help if we don't admit that. We just have to learn how to deal with this kind of teams in future.

Actually, to look on the bright side, isn't it better this way? Competitions are meant to be dramatic, right? Now, we have to win at NTU. Of course, if SIM wins against SMU, they will win the competition. But i think we worried about other teams' results enough, look where it landed us. Let's just focus on NUS and NUS only for this coming week. Let's set up a grandstand finale against NTU! =p

*to add on to Fabian's point*
I wish to say that coach is constantly thinking of every player in the team even if you played very little today, didn't play today, didn't play in the previous game, or even if you are not in the SUNIG squad. That is why he is arranging and trying to arrange games to keep these players match-fit. Exactly like what Fabian has said, it is a team game. We need every single one of you to make this team work, without anyone of you, we would not win any matches.

Although i have stressed this point before, i will not hesitate to stress it again because i feel it is important that everyone is on the same page. It is still very early in the season, do not be disheartened by selection issues, because from past year's experience, things will not be as straight-forward as it seems. It is impossible to put all my thoughts into words (im from SoC lo..) so if anyone still has any doubts or queries, please feel free to approach Chris or me. Don't be shy! =p

Sat Sept 20
Venue: NUS Field 2
Attire: Blue
Time: 9am
*Aqua-therapy after match/training is compulsory.
*bring tights/swimming trunks/fresh pair of shorts


Anonymous said...

Yup guys! i think we did well honestly. but sometimes football is a funny game. Losing is always not easy. But it's not over. Let's just do our best for the next game. Those who didn't play or played a little, my little advice would be please don't be demoralised. Look forward to sat's game and play well. Football is essentially a team game. everyone is important in keeping this team together.remember:teamwork will win us games! yup! heads up everyone =)

Anonymous said...

fxk: can't make saturday - got field trip.

Chris said...

yup i agree with fabian and gerald totally

i think we did our best in yesterday's match, and there were no big errors in the way we played or in the way we approached the game. sometimes things just don't go our way, and so we have to dig deeper and accept this as part of the game

and for those not getting playing time, please be patient and wait your turn. no soccer team can survive on 11, 12 or even 13 or 14 players. its a big squad because we need strength in depth. it's still early in the season so be prepared for many more challenges to come.

cheers and have a good weekend guys

astroshev said...

chris..cant make it tmr..i got ifg table tennis

Anonymous said...

Song kiu: i'll be on field 1 playing for engin soccer at that time, chris.

Anonymous said...

i have sunig 7s on sunday. will take a rest tomorrow.