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Monday, August 4, 2008

Trials Re-scheduled

For Freshman/ New Players

Please note that the NUS Soccer Team trials have been re-scheduled to:

Tue 12 August 645pm and
Wed 13 August 645pm

Please come on the day most convenient for you. Bring boots/ shin guards. Wear blue/ white. Be changed up by 645pm. Nus SRC Field 2 (the one further away from the stands).

For updates please check the blog. For enquiries please email:


For Current Players

Training will proceed as per normal on both Tues and Wed evenings, 7pm.

Wear Red on both days.

Friendly match on Friday evening at NTU. Details to be provided at a later time.


Anonymous said...

can't attend tuesdays...
got class from 6-9

Anonymous said...

panda: cant make it today... got a bad ankle sprain... not sure tml can anot also -.-